[Grammar in use Inter] UNIT 41 ~ 50

English 2009. 8. 19. 18:50


I don't like being ~
ex ) I don't like being told what to do.
       I don't like being given a toy drum on my fifth birthday.
       I don't like being kept waiting.

수동형에서 get 이 be 대신에 사용 될 수 있다.
nobody got hurt
Ann didn't get offered the job.


If you allege that something bad is true, you say it but do not prove it. (FORMAL)
(근거없이) 주장하다 = claim

be supposed to
1. It's supposed to be very good. 그게 매우 좋다고 그러더라
2. I'm supposed to meet Ann at 8:15. 8:15분에 Ann을 만났어야 했는데... ( 실제로 일어난 것과 다름 )
3. You're not supposed to do something. 그거 하면 안되는데... ( 충고 or 허용 되지 않음 )


have something done
Lisa had the roof repaired yesterday. 리사는 어제 지붕을 고치라고 했다.

I had him repair. 나는 그가 고치게 했다.


Tom said, "I am feeling sick."
Tom said that he was feeling sick.


It's a nice day, isn't it? ( 사실임을 알고, 상대방에게 Yes를 기대함 - 목소리는 내려감 )
You haven't seen Lisa today , have you? ( 실제 질문 - 목소리는 올라감 )


Would you mind closing the door? ( not mind to close the door )
We can't go on living like this!

V + somebody + -ing: ing하는 somebody를 ~하다
I can't Imagine Gorge riding a motorbike.
Sorry to keep you waiting so long

V-ed having done/said/ p.p = V-ed  ing : 이미 끝난 행동들에 대해 사용
She admitted having stolen the money.
She admitted stealing the money.
I now regret saying it.

'English' 카테고리의 다른 글

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