
English/Words 2010. 6. 6. 15:55
invoke : 호출하다.

'English > Words' 카테고리의 다른 글

전공단어[1]  (0) 2010.03.25
따르다.  (0) 2009.11.04
[Writing Solid Code] Assert yourself 2  (2) 2009.08.07
[Writing Solid Code] Assert yourself 1  (1) 2009.08.07
[General] Words-2  (1) 2009.07.30





English/Words 2010. 3. 25. 18:18

: (죽은 사람을) 부활시키다. 
( 사상, 관례 등을 ) 부활시키다.

: 간단한, 쉬운, 복잡하지 않은, 
(사람,행동이) 솔직한

: 요약

: 오류가 생긴; 변경된, 변질된

: (부당하게)이용하다, 착취하다.

 : to constrain someone or something means to limit their development or force them to behave in a particular way.

: If you incur something unpleasant, it happens to you because of something you have done.

: Primitive means belonging to a society in which people live in a very simple way, usually without industries or a writing system. ex ) primitive people also danced to get rid of evil spirits.

: If you imply that something is the case, you say something which indicates that it is the case in an indirect way.

: If you describe something as exclusive, you mean that it is limited to people who have a lot of money or who belong to a high social class, and is therefore not available to everyone. ex ) He is already a member of Britain's most exclusive club.
: Something that is exclusive is used or owned by only one person or group, and not shared with anyone else. ex ) Language is an exclusive possession of man.

equivalence ( n ) 
: If there is equivalence between two things, they have the same use, function, size, or value.

capacity ( n )
: Your capacity for something is your ability to do it, or the amount of it that you are able to do. ex ) people's creative capacities.
: The capacity of a piece of equipment is its size or power, often measured in particular units. ex ) an aircraft with a bomb-carrying capacity of 454 kg. / The bus was filled to capacity. 만원이었다.

append ( v )
: When you append something to something else, especially a piece of writing, you attach it or add it to the end of it. ex ) Violet appended a note at the end of the letter.

derive ( v )
: If you derive something such as pleasure or benefit from a person or from something, you get it from them. ex ) A is one of those happy people who derive pleasure from helping others.
: If you say that something such as a word or feeling derives or is derived from something else, you mean that it comes from that thing. ex ) Anna's strength is derived from her parents and her sisters.

export ( v )
: In computing, if you export files or information from one type of software into another type, you change their format so that they can be used in the new software.
ex ) Files can be exported in ASCII or PCX formats.

embed( v )
: If an object embeds itself in a substance or thing, it becomes fixed there firmly and deeply. ex ) One of the bullets passed through Andrea's chest before embedding itself in a wall.
: If something such as an attitude or feeling is embedded in a society or system, or in someone's personality, it becomes a permanent and noticeable feature of it.

arbitrary ( adj ) - subjective, random, chance
: If you describe an action, rule, or decision as arbitrary, you think that it is not based on any principle, plan, or system. It often seems unfair because of this.

retrieve ( v ) - get back, regain, recover....
: If you ~ something, you get it back from the place where you left it. ex ) The men were trying to retrieve weapons left when the army abandoned the island.
: To retrieve information from a computer or from your memory means to get it back. ex ) Computers can instantly retrieve millions of information bits.

dimension ( n )  [daɪmeən, dɪm-]
: A particular dimension of something is a particular aspect of it.
 ex ) There is a political dimension to the accusations.
: A dimension is a measurement such as length, width, or height. If you talk about the dimensions of an object or place, you are referring to its size and proportions.

vary ( v ) = differ, be dissimilar, disagree,
: If things vary, they are different from each other in size, amount, or degree.
ex ) As they're handmade, each one varies slightly.

'English > Words' 카테고리의 다른 글

전공단어[2]  (2) 2010.06.06
따르다.  (0) 2009.11.04
[Writing Solid Code] Assert yourself 2  (2) 2009.08.07
[Writing Solid Code] Assert yourself 1  (1) 2009.08.07
[General] Words-2  (1) 2009.07.30





English/Words 2009. 11. 4. 21:21
Coro-Express’s application for funding from the International Science Society was rejected because it did not comply with the requirements.

comply with : (규칙 등에) 따르다.

'English > Words' 카테고리의 다른 글

전공단어[2]  (2) 2010.06.06
전공단어[1]  (0) 2010.03.25
[Writing Solid Code] Assert yourself 2  (2) 2009.08.07
[Writing Solid Code] Assert yourself 1  (1) 2009.08.07
[General] Words-2  (1) 2009.07.30




[Writing Solid Code] Assert yourself 2

English/Words 2009. 8. 7. 08:09


A portable machine or device is designed to be easily carried or moved.
 〖컴퓨터〗 (프로그램의) 이식(가능)성 (있는)

looks don't mean anything.
겉으로만 보고 단정 할 수 없다

review( v )
If you review a situation or system, you consider it carefully to see what is wrong with it or how it could be improved.

implicit <-> explicit

consecutive ( a )
Consecutive periods of time or events happen one after the other without interruption.


(기계의) 조작자, 기사

irrelevant <-> relevant
If you describe something such as a fact or remark as irrelevant, you mean that it is not connected with what you are discussing or dealing with.
관련없는, 부적절한

spontaneously( adv ) spontaneous
Spontaneous acts are not planned or arranged, but are done because someone suddenly wants to do them.
저절로, 자발적인, 자연의, 무의식적인

교정, 개정하다, 수정하다

정확한, 정밀한

If someone's behaviour is obsessive, they cannot stop doing a particular thing or behaving in a particular way.

A painstaking search, examination, or investigation is done extremely carefully and thoroughly.
           Forensic experts carried out a painstaking search of the debris.
      = thorough
정성들이는, 수고를 아끼지 않은

철저함, 완전함

'English > Words' 카테고리의 다른 글

전공단어[1]  (0) 2010.03.25
따르다.  (0) 2009.11.04
[Writing Solid Code] Assert yourself 1  (1) 2009.08.07
[General] Words-2  (1) 2009.07.30
[general] Words - 1  (0) 2009.07.29




[Writing Solid Code] Assert yourself 1

English/Words 2009. 8. 7. 03:49
내보내다. 프로그램을 릴리즈 하다.


long before
훨씬 이전에, ~ 하기 훨씬 이전에
= long ago

= If you verify something, you check that it is true by careful examination or investigation.
[컴퓨터]검증하다 / ~이 진실임을 증명[입증]하다. ~이 진실함을 확인하다

~ of data being passed around.
정당성, 타당성 [법률] 유효성, 효력, (항공권의) 유효기간

Someone who is consistent always behaves in the same way, has the same attitudes towards people or things, or achieves the same level of success in something.
~ly. 시종일관하게, 조리있게, 모순 없이

root something out
뿌리째 뽑다, 근절하다

something comes in handy
If something comes in handy, it is useful in a particular situation.
Something that is handy is useful.

Sleek hair or fur is smooth and shiny and looks healthy.
Sleek vehicles, furniture, or other objects look smooth, shiny, and expensive.
           ... a sleek white BMW.
           ...sleek modern furniture.

shrink-wrapped ( a ) , shrink-wrap ( v )
A shrink-wrapped product is sold in a tight covering of thin plastic.
얇은 봉지에 꽉 덥혀져서 팔리는 상품
깔끔히 포장하다

If you have to take drastic action in order to solve a problem, you have to do something extreme and basic to solve it.
(수단 따위가) 과감한, 철저한 (치료, 변화 등이) 격렬한, 강렬한
  running the debug version can drastically reduce the time required to develop the program

Someone or something that is robust is very strong or healthy.
           More women than men go to the doctor. Perhaps men are more robust or worry less?...

압도하다, 눌러서 찌그러뜨리다. ~ 의 기를 꺾다. 당황하게 하다.
be ~ed with[by] ~ 에 압도되다. 기가 죽다.

[컴퓨터] 중단( 프로그램 진행의 )

as through
= as if S Ved
마치 ~ 처럼

in no time
곧, 즉시

gobble up
게걸스럽게 먹다.
   gobble up that memory in no time. 메모리를 즉시 잠식해 버린다.

work around( v ), ( n )
대안( = alternative )
(to) ~에 자기의견을 바꾸다.

Subtleties are very small details or differences which are not obvious.
미묘한 것, 섬세 한 것

Regardless of ~,
~에 관계없이, ~을 개의치 않고

= finally, eventually

entry point

deliberately( adv )
신중히, 일부러

steer clear of
~을 피하다, ~와 관계하지 않다.

overlap / overlaping
중복되다, 부분적으로 위에 겹치다, 일부분이 일치되다, 겹치다.
[컴퓨터] 겹침 / 겹치기

beef up
강화[보강] 하다.

textual representation
본문(= relating to written texts) 표현

stop light
정지 신호

in line
정렬하여, 줄서있는

Bugs just kept trickling in
버그는 조금씩 드러날 뿐이었다.
trickle( 비밀 등이 ) 조금씩 새다.

invariably( adv )
If something invariably happens or is invariably true, it always happens or is always true.
           They almost invariably get it wrong...
변함없이, 항상

strip( n )
A strip of something such as paper, cloth, or food is a long, narrow piece of it.
If you strip, you take off your clothes.
To strip something means to remove everything that covers it.


교묘한, 다루기 힘든, 교활한

after all
어쨌든, 뭐니 뭐니 해도
결국, 요컨데, 역시

If you describe something as straightforward, you approve of it because it is easy to do or understand.

on occasion
= occasionally 때때로

If something is evident, you notice it easily and clearly.
= noticeable
분명한, 명백한, 뚜렷한

go to [ a lot of / all the ] trouble to do
~ 하려고 애를 쓰다.

nail( n , v )
If you nail something somewhere, you fix it there using one or more nails.
A nail is a thin piece of metal with one pointed end and one flat end. You hit the flat end with a hammer in order to push the nail into something such as a wall.
           A mirror hung on a nail above the washstand...

[광산] 환기,(바람)구멍, 엘레베이터의 통로[ 수직 공간 ]
[식물]줄기, 대

유사[비슷]하여, 마찬가지로

Even better,
더 나은것은

가능한, 있음직한, 예상되는

(내용이 방대한 책의) 한권, 큰책

사려깊은, 면밀한, 충분히 다듬어낸

질서있게, 조직적으로, 질서정연하게

= 꽤, 상당히

바람직한, 탐나는, 갖고 싶은

'English > Words' 카테고리의 다른 글

따르다.  (0) 2009.11.04
[Writing Solid Code] Assert yourself 2  (2) 2009.08.07
[General] Words-2  (1) 2009.07.30
[general] Words - 1  (0) 2009.07.29
[Computer] Words - 2  (0) 2009.06.20




[General] Words-2

English/Words 2009. 7. 30. 23:12

If someone is convicted of a crime, they are found guilty of that crime in a law court.
ex ) In 1977 he was convicted of murder and sentenced to life imprisonment...
      There was insufficient evidence to convict him.
       ...a convicted drug dealer.

A convict is someone who is in prison. (JOURNALISM)
= prisoner
유죄를 입증하다

If you call someone, especially a child, a brat, you mean that he or she behaves badly or annoys you. (INFORMAL)
ex ) He's a spoilt brat.
개구쟁이, 선머슴

If you spoil children, you give them everything they want or ask for. This is considered to have a bad effect on a child's character.


If you reimburse someone for something, you pay them back the money that they have spent or lost because of it. (FORMAL)
배상, 배상하다, (빚 따위를) 갚다.

A janitor is a person whose job is to look after a building. (mainly AM)
      = caretaker
(아파트, 빌딩 등의)관리인


If you describe someone or something as odd, you think that they are strange or unusual.
Something odd began to happen.
이상한, 홀수의( <-> even )

(변기에) 물을 내리다.
If you flush, your face goes red because you are hot or ill, or because you are feeling a strong emotion such as embarrassment or anger.
         ex )  Do you sweat a lot or flush a lot?...
                  He turned away embarrassed, his face flushing red.

경멸하다. 멸시하다.
If you despise something or someone, you dislike them and have a very low opinion of them.
    ex ) I can never, ever forgive him. I despise him...



'English > Words' 카테고리의 다른 글

[Writing Solid Code] Assert yourself 2  (2) 2009.08.07
[Writing Solid Code] Assert yourself 1  (1) 2009.08.07
[general] Words - 1  (0) 2009.07.29
[Computer] Words - 2  (0) 2009.06.20
[Computer] Words - 1  (0) 2009.06.20




[general] Words - 1

English/Words 2009. 7. 29. 12:13

If you call someone a traitor, you mean that they have betrayed beliefs that they used to hold, or that their friends hold, by their words or actions.
If someone is a traitor, they betray their country or a group of which they are a member by helping its enemies, especially during time of war.

A general is a high-ranking officer in the armed forces, usually in the army.
ex) The General's visit to Sarajevo is part of preparations for the deployment of extra troops.

A colonel is a senior officer in an army, air force, or the marines.


If you sacrifice something that is valuable or important, you give it up, usually to obtain something else for yourself or for other people.
희생하다, 제물로 바치다


If there is an invasion of a country, a foreign army enters it by force.
ex ) ...seven years after the Roman invasion of Britain...

표현/정의 하기 어려운, (뜻,성격 등이) 파악하기 어려운
Something or someone that is elusive is difficult to find, describe, remember, or achieve.
ex ) In London late-night taxis are elusive and far from cheap.

독점적인, 배타적인

접근 수단, 방법

If you say that a person is versatile, you approve of them because they have many different skills.
A tool, machine, or material that is versatile can be used for many different purposes.
응용이 자유자재인, 용도가 넓은

'English > Words' 카테고리의 다른 글

[Writing Solid Code] Assert yourself 1  (1) 2009.08.07
[General] Words-2  (1) 2009.07.30
[Computer] Words - 2  (0) 2009.06.20
[Computer] Words - 1  (0) 2009.06.20
4th Week  (0) 2009.04.15




[Computer] Words - 2

English/Words 2009. 6. 20. 16:55
1. branch (n)

- 분기
ex )

2. consequently (adv)

-  그 결과로서
ex )

3. designate (v)

- ~ 라고 부르다, 명명하다, 가리키다, 표시하다.
ex )

4. subsequent (a)

- 차후의, 결과로서[더불어]일어나는
ex )

5. duration (n)

-  지속기간, 존속기간
ex )

6. in sequence ()

-  차례차례로
ex )

7. carry out (v)

-  실행하다, 성취하다, 들어내다, 실어내다.
ex )

8. operation (n)

- 연산, 작동
ex )

9. allocate (v)

- 할당하다.
ex )

10. topology (n)

- 위상 = 주기운동에서 하나의 주기 중의 어떤 위치를 표시하기 위한 말 = 집합의 요소의 연속 상태 또는 그런 구조
ex )

'English > Words' 카테고리의 다른 글

[General] Words-2  (1) 2009.07.30
[general] Words - 1  (0) 2009.07.29
[Computer] Words - 1  (0) 2009.06.20
4th Week  (0) 2009.04.15
3rd week  (2) 2009.04.03




[Computer] Words - 1

English/Words 2009. 6. 20. 16:50

1. propagation (n),   propagate (v)

전달, 전달하다.

2. interprocessor (a)


3. configuration (n), configure ( v )

- If you configure a piece of computer equipment, you set it up so that it is ready for use. (COMPUTING) 구성하다.

4. system-wide (a)

전 시스템[조직]에 미치는

5. set <-> clear flags

set : flag or bit 를 1로 만들다.   clear : flag or bit 를 0으로 만들다.

6. sequence ( n ), ( v )

(n) 순차, 순서 (v) (자료를) 배열하다, 차례로 나열하다.

7. invalidate ( v )


8. serialize <-> parallel

직렬화 하다. (n,v,a) 병렬화~

9. privilege ( n, v )

특권, 면제, 특권을 주다. ( ~ + o + prep + n : n에서 o를 면제하다. )

10. compatibility ( n )


'English > Words' 카테고리의 다른 글

[general] Words - 1  (0) 2009.07.29
[Computer] Words - 2  (0) 2009.06.20
4th Week  (0) 2009.04.15
3rd week  (2) 2009.04.03
2st Week  (0) 2009.03.24




4th Week

English/Words 2009. 4. 15. 09:06

Day 22 Monday

underneath ( prep ) - If one thing is underneath another, it is directly under it, and may be covered or hidden by it.
               ex ) The device exploded underneath a van.
                      Her apartment was underneath a bar, called `The Lift'.

label ( v ) - If you say that someone or something is labelled as a particular thing, you mean that people generally describe them that way and you think that this is unfair. ~라는 명칭을 붙이다. ~라는 딱지를 붙이다.
              ex ) Too often the press are labelled as bad boys...
                     Certain estates are labelled as undesirable...

inability ( n ) - If you refer to someone's inability to do something, you are referring to the fact that they are unable to do it.
              ex ) Her inability to concentrate could cause an accident.

inferm with age 노쇠한

perspective ( n ) -
A particular perspective is a particular way of thinking about something, especially one that is influenced by your beliefs or experiences. 전망
               ex ) He says the death of his father 18 months ago has given him a new perspective on life...

'English > Words' 카테고리의 다른 글

[Computer] Words - 2  (0) 2009.06.20
[Computer] Words - 1  (0) 2009.06.20
3rd week  (2) 2009.04.03
2st Week  (0) 2009.03.24
My Last Cigarette  (0) 2009.03.18


