[입트영] 2009 March - dae-ri-un-jeon

English/EBS 2009. 8. 11. 14:50
designated driver service
지정 운전자[ 대리운전 ] 서비스

driver-for-hire service
대리운전 서비스

be around
존재하다 - it's been around for several years
That technolog has been around for ages.
이 기술은 개발된 지 꽤 오래되었습니다.

drunk driving accident
음주운전 사고

put one's heart and mind at ease
~을 안심시키다.


who is going to be the designated driver tonight?
오늘 누가 술 안 먹고 운전할래?

I think I've had too much to drink.
나 술을 너무 많이 마신거 같아.

new part-time job sector.
새로운 임시 직종

Expression of the Day

I've been trying to reach you all week. Where have you been?
이번 주 내내 전화했었는데. 어디 갔었어?
I've been meaning to call you.
전화하려고 했었어.
It was just a hectic week.
그냥 좀 바쁜 주였어.

'English > EBS' 카테고리의 다른 글

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