얻는게 있으면 잃는게 있다

English/Expression 2009. 11. 9. 10:14

얻는게 있으면 잃는게 있다 There’s always a trade-off.

A : 예전엔 한적한 시골 마을이었는데, 이곳도 개발이 많이 되었네요.
This was a quiet village before, but it looks like there's been a lot of development here.

B : 건물도 많이 들어서고 길도 좋아지고, 여기 사는 사람들은 많이 편해졌어.
A lot of buildings went up and the roads got better. Life is more comfortable for people living here now.

A : 하지만 더 이상 소박한 분위기는 찾아볼 수가 없네요.
But there's no trace of simple country life like you had before.

B : 뭐, 얻는 게 있으면 잃는 게 있는 거지.
Well, there's always a trade-off.

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